Additional Resources

The resources listed here were hand selected by the team at Convective as important contributions to the ColdFusion community.

Try ColdFusion – Online REPL for ColdFusion

CFDocs – Super fast documentation for ColdFusion tags and functions

CF411 – A nearly complete list of the best ColdFusion resources in the known universe

ColdFusion 2016 Deprecated Tags and Features – Adobe’s list of deprecated features in CF

The Online ColdFusion Meetup – Over 250 sessions and recordings of CF focused presentations

ColdFusion Slack Workspace – Over 2200 members, very active

ColdFusion User Group Locator – Find your local CF group

[PDF]ColdFusion 2016 Migration Guide – Official Adobe migration guide for CF 2016

ColdFusion 2016 Updates and Release Notes – The latest patches and release notes for 2016

[PDF]ColdFusion 2016 Lockdown Guide – Secure your server with these best practices

ColdFusion 2018 Release Notes – The latest patches and release notes for 2018

ColdFusion 2018 Auto-Lockdown – The CF Lockdown guide, automated!